Sunday, January 22, 2017

Women's March ... What it Teaches Our Children

My best friend, Melissa, in Washington DC, showing her appreciation for being raised by her Dad, the right way.
"Hundreds of thousands of women filled the streets of major American cities to lead an unprecedented wave of international protests against President Donald Trump, mocking and denouncing the new U.S. leader the day after his inauguration.
Women activists, outraged by Trump's campaign rhetoric and behavior they found to be especially misogynistic, spearheaded scores of marches in the United States and sympathy rallies around the world on Saturday.
Organizers said they drew nearly 5 million protesters in all, far surpassing crowd expectations." - By Scott Malone and Ginger Gibson, Reuters

This morning, my husband and I had a long talk with my son, Jack, explaining to him why there were so many women marching and anti-Trump protests throughout the world yesterday. Lately, all Jack has heard is my husband and I screaming at the TV. A child can not learn from that. I want my son to see me outraged by what's happening to our country, outrage is an honest response, but peace is better. So, we calmly sat down to pancakes and a discussion. 

Teaching Jack, historically, is important, but teaching Jack to value all lives, to treat women with respect and equality, to be compassionate and that there is a damn hole in the ozone layer, is of upmost importance to our family. 

I remember, back in the 80s, when my mom would come home enraged that she couldn't go to dinner with her male co-workers at the Detroit Athletic Club, because she was a woman and women were not allowed. I remember when my mom came home from work, puzzled and angry, because she was treated differently in the workplace. I remember watching my mom graduate from the University of Michigan, as a single parent, the first person to ever go to college in our family. All those memories and experiences shaped me to become who I am today. I am a woman. I am educated. I am compassionate. I don't have a single cell in my body that is racist. I am a good person.

I am saddened that our country took a step backwards, way back, electing a person who demoralizes women and spews hatred and separation. I am proud of all those who are standing up for what they believe in.

It is my hope, one day, when Jack is a grown man, that he'll remember the outrage his mother and step-dad had when Donald Trump became president. That he will be treating his wife with dignity and respect and his co-workers and neighbors with equality. That, if he has to, that he too will be holding a sign, like Aunt Melissa's that reads, "My mom taught me right from wrong." 

Keep on peaceful protesting!
Jen, Bryan and Jack

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I love this. Thanks for including me in such an insightful post xo
